FInish it before posting!
FInish it before posting!
how much will you pay me?
This was a visually fun cartoon to look at. I feel like this would've benefited from being a little bit longer. Just to really let things stick. Other than that I thought this was good.
coke i saw a bunch of doraemon stuff in the city before and thought of you. also thanks.
لعنة سبونجبوب
damn spongebob
damn cokenutz
damn spongebob
ligma dee
Just upload the full hing here. sorry but blamed,
It'll just take a long time so I'm just going to upload small clips of the full thing
You probably should've gotten rid of the youtube thing at the beginning since this is
Yeah haha I guess so. The only reason I put a lot of emphasis on the fact that it comes from YouTube is because I'm partnered with the Channel Frederator network over there so I consider that to be important to my growth as an animator 🙂 Not all of these have been great because I'm 100 % self taught, I don't have much of a budget for this but It's been a great passion of mine to pursue and I'm glad that I have done that because now I'm getting much better and meeting great friends in the same field as me! Check out my YouTube channel if you wanna see what I've gotten up to lately! 🙂 I'd post it over here but there's a 2 upload limit or something ahah 😛
The style in this was pretty alrighty! Though one question I have is why is it in 4:3? That's all
I have.
Glad you liked it! And the choice to make this in 4:3 was deliberate for two reasons: to serve as a throwback to older cartoons, and to save time animating it (the cartoon was made on a tight schedule, making it in widescreen would've taken the cartoon too long to finish on time).
The Audio is kind of eeeh... but the animation was alright.
Well, it is not my voice man. had to search for the voice in internet. anyway thanks for the response.
oh no!!!!!
Oh yeah!!!
I think this is pretty well made, but its anime so....
i know...
Thank you <3
good, though you need to disable resampling in sony vegas. other than the resampling it is pretty alrighty
A quick and to the tasteless cartoonist! Icon by @Jaster
Age 22, Male
Joined on 9/23/16