Hey guys!! How is your guys' day going? My day is honestly going okay it's just like any other day to be honest. I did write a long vent thingy, but I decided against it since it mostly was targeted towards one person, (who I don't hate) but yeah. anyways here is what this vent is. FREAKING ANIMATE CC.
Oh my god has it changed, the new design is honestly really really shitty, why? well first of all they moved many of the time line buttons to the top instead of the bottom like other versions before it did. It sucks. These buttons such as onion skin and play and edit multiple frames are at the way top of the screen instead of just below the timeline and I can't find a way to change it. It sucks! Second of all, automated lip sync. I know this tech is still in development, but it honestly sucks. It's really weird and doesn't seem to work right. but its fine whaterver. Now here is the last part I can legally rant about, The BRUSH TOOL!!
THE BRUSH TOOL IS SH!T sorry but it still sucks @Cokenutz and I think it might be worse than the 2018 brush. BUT it seems to do the "animate is processing strokes" thingy a lot less. But the brush still sucks for drawing to be quite honest. now here is some of the good stuff about this about for a change of positivity before going back into negativity. Adobe actually added puppet warping!! YESSS!!! I'VE WANTED TO USE THAT FOR A BIT NOW!!! It's so cool!! now you don't have to do weird workarounds to get bendy artwork, now you could just use this puppet warping tool and it would work right. No more weird shape tweens to get bendy artwork. no more going to illustrator to do it. YOU CAN FINALLY DO IT IN THE PROGRAM ITSELF!!!! Another small but cool thing they added, filters and effects on layers. YES NOW I CAN FINALLY HAVE A WAY TO GET BLURS ON GRAPHIC SYMBOLS!!! which is cool now. oh and they added a little bit more support for after effects so thats pretty cool (I just hope the camera doesn't get removed when I try to bring a shot to after effect)
But yeah that was animate cc which is one thing. and thats the end (I lied about the other thing I was gonna vent about) i'll do that on a later post for now, I gotta get to my other class now. I have to retake a math test I couldn't do. so yeah.... BYE!!! PS: have a wondeful day.
Adobe flash/ animate is not so bad at all.
It's not too horrible for frame by frame, just not the greatest, but thats all I know how to use for now.